Monday, 1 March 2010

The ups and downs of Student life...

When coming to University, I got told about the financial struggles I will face by pretty much everyone; my old school, my parents and older friends, but I never realised how much it really would affect me.
Everything seems so much more expensive to me now. The fact that my student finance is pretty awful as well does not help. I really am thankful for the fact that I have my job. I don't know how other students cope without one!
I love the new found responsibility and freedom I have don't get me wrong, but sometimes I would just love for my Mum to come over and cook me some tea or do the washing up.
Things such as food shopping for example, is not only really expensive, it is also really difficult! I had no idea what I would need to begin with and just stuck to buying ready meals in bulk. Not the healthiest option I know.
So I have now found myself rapidly piling on the weight due to eating junk food and very poor indeed! Although not too poor to not go out. You really cannot beat the student nightlife. Student nights in particular. For example, Tuesdays are the night to go out in Lincoln, cheap drinks, good music and hundreds of other students from the University.
One thing no one ever warned me about is the lonely days. For hours on end a day I find myself stuck in my room, either doing work or jut generally stuck for anything to do because no one seems to do anything during the day!
My advice for anyone starting University would be this...Prepare to be poor, and keep alot of nurofen to hand for the hangovers.

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